Required Evolutions

This is a supplementary datasheet to the main guide to filling out a National Pokédex for Pokémon Platinum. This page contains a table of Pokémon that can only be obtained via evolving another one.

The data on this page is sourced from Bulbapedia and Veekun. This page has been generated by a script, and as such there may be some inaccuracies / missing Pokémon.

How to read this page

The very left column is the "root" Pokémon in the listed evolution chains. Not necessarily the lowest in the evolution chain, but the highest in the chain that you can obtain without evolution.

The first of the two numbers indicate how many of the root Pokémon you need to get to fill out your National Pokédex, and the second number indicates how many you need for a "Living" Pokédex.

The remaining Pokémon on each row indicate which Pokémon you need to get via evolving the root Pokémon. They're all evolutions directly from the root Pokémon, unless specified otherwise.

Root PokémonNo. for
Nat Dex
No. for
Living Dex
Pikachu 1 2 Raichu
Using Thunder Stone
Nidorina 1 2 Nidoqueen
Using Moon Stone
Nidorino 1 2 Nidoking
Using Moon Stone
Clefairy 1 2 Clefable
Using Moon Stone
Vulpix 1 2 Ninetales
Using Fire Stone
Jigglypuff 1 2 Wigglytuff
Using Moon Stone
Golbat 1 2 Crobat
Levelling up
At least 160 friendship
Gloom 2 3 Vileplume
Using Leaf Stone
Using Sun Stone
Growlithe 1 2 Arcanine
Using Fire Stone
Poliwhirl 2 3 Poliwrath
Using Water Stone
Holding King’s Rock
Kadabra 1 2 Alakazam
Machoke 1 2 Machamp
Weepinbell 1 2 Victreebel
Using Leaf Stone
Graveler 1 2 Golem
Magneton 1 2 Magnezone
Levelling up
At Mt. Coronet
Shellder 1 2 Cloyster
Using Water Stone
Exeggcute 1 2 Exeggutor
Using Leaf Stone
Lickitung 1 2 Lickilicky
Levelling up
Rhydon 1 2 Rhyperior
Holding Protector
Chansey 1 2 Blissey
Levelling up
At least 160 friendship
Tangela 1 2 Tangrowth
Levelling up
Seadra 1 2 Kingdra
Holding Dragon Scale
Staryu 1 2 Starmie
Using Water Stone
Scyther 1 2 Scizor
Holding Metal Coat
Electabuzz 1 2 Electivire
Holding Electirizer
Magmar 1 2 Magmortar
Holding Magmarizer
Eevee 7 8 Vaporeon
Using Water Stone
Using Thunder Stone
Using Fire Stone
Levelling up
During the day
At least 160 friendship
Levelling up
During the night
At least 160 friendship
Levelling up
At Eterna Forest
Levelling up
At Route 217
Porygon 1 3 Porygon2
Holding Up-Grade
From Porygon2
Holding Dubious Disc
Togepi 1 3 Togetic
Levelling up
At least 160 friendship
From Togetic
Using Shiny Stone
Aipom 1 2 Ambipom
Levelling up
Sunkern 1 2 Sunflora
Using Sun Stone
Yanma 1 2 Yanmega
Levelling up
Gligar 1 2 Gliscor
Levelling up
Holding Razor Fang
During the night
Sneasel 1 2 Weavile
Levelling up
Holding Razor Claw
During the night
Piloswine 1 2 Mamoswine
Levelling up
Lombre 1 2 Ludicolo
Using Water Stone
Nuzleaf 1 2 Shiftry
Using Leaf Stone
Nosepass 1 2 Probopass
Levelling up
At Mt. Coronet
Skitty 1 2 Delcatty
Using Moon Stone
Roselia 1 2 Roserade
Using Shiny Stone
Feebas 1 2 Milotic
Levelling up
At least 171 beauty
Dusclops 1 2 Dusknoir
Holding Reaper Cloth
Buneary 1 2 Lopunny
Levelling up
At least 160 friendship
Munchlax 1 2 Snorlax
Levelling up
At least 160 friendship
Riolu 1 2 Lucario
Levelling up
During the day
At least 160 friendship
Mantyke 1 2 Mantine
Levelling up
With Remoraid in party
Metapod 1 2 Butterfree
Levelling up at level 10+
Kakuna 1 2 Beedrill
Levelling up at level 10+
Pidgey 1 3 Pidgeotto
Levelling up at level 18+
Levelling up at level 36+
From Pidgeotto
Paras 1 2 Parasect
Levelling up at level 24+
Meowth 1 2 Persian
Levelling up at level 28+
Ponyta 1 2 Rapidash
Levelling up at level 40+
Slowpoke 2 3 Slowbro
Levelling up at level 37+
Holding King’s Rock
Doduo 1 2 Dodrio
Levelling up at level 31+
Grimer 1 2 Muk
Levelling up at level 38+
Drowzee 1 2 Hypno
Levelling up at level 26+
Krabby 1 2 Kingler
Levelling up at level 28+
Voltorb 1 2 Electrode
Levelling up at level 30+
Cubone 1 2 Marowak
Levelling up at level 28+
Omanyte 1 2 Omastar
Levelling up at level 40+
Kabuto 1 2 Kabutops
Levelling up at level 40+
Dragonair 1 2 Dragonite
Levelling up at level 55+
Sentret 1 2 Furret
Levelling up at level 15+
Chinchou 1 2 Lanturn
Levelling up at level 27+
Natu 1 2 Xatu
Levelling up at level 25+
Flaaffy 1 2 Ampharos
Levelling up at level 30+
Hoppip 1 3 Skiploom
Levelling up at level 18+
Levelling up at level 27+
From Skiploom
Pineco 1 2 Forretress
Levelling up at level 31+
Snubbull 1 2 Granbull
Levelling up at level 23+
Houndour 1 2 Houndoom
Levelling up at level 24+
Phanpy 1 2 Donphan
Levelling up at level 25+
Tyrogue 3 4 Hitmonlee
Levelling up at level 20+
Levelling up at level 20+
Levelling up at level 20+
Larvitar 1 3 Pupitar
Levelling up at level 30+
Levelling up at level 55+
From Pupitar
Poochyena 1 2 Mightyena
Levelling up at level 18+
Zigzagoon 1 2 Linoone
Levelling up at level 20+
Kirlia 2 3 Gardevoir
Levelling up at level 30+
Of male gender
Using Dawn Stone
Shroomish 1 2 Breloom
Levelling up at level 23+
Slakoth 1 3 Vigoroth
Levelling up at level 18+
Levelling up at level 36+
From Vigoroth
Nincada 2 3 Ninjask
Levelling up at level 20+
Obtained via adjacent evolution
Loudred 1 2 Exploud
Levelling up at level 40+
Makuhita 1 2 Hariyama
Levelling up at level 24+
Aron 1 3 Lairon
Levelling up at level 32+
Levelling up at level 42+
From Lairon
Electrike 1 2 Manectric
Levelling up at level 26+
Gulpin 1 2 Swalot
Levelling up at level 26+
Carvanha 1 2 Sharpedo
Levelling up at level 30+
Spoink 1 2 Grumpig
Levelling up at level 32+
Swablu 1 2 Altaria
Levelling up at level 35+
Baltoy 1 2 Claydol
Levelling up at level 36+
Lileep 1 2 Cradily
Levelling up at level 40+
Anorith 1 2 Armaldo
Levelling up at level 40+
Snorunt 2 3 Glalie
Levelling up at level 42+
Of female gender
Using Dawn Stone
Sealeo 1 2 Walrein
Levelling up at level 44+
Bagon 1 3 Shelgon
Levelling up at level 30+
Levelling up at level 50+
From Shelgon
Beldum 1 3 Metang
Levelling up at level 20+
Levelling up at level 45+
From Metang
Turtwig 1 3 Grotle
Levelling up at level 18+
Levelling up at level 32+
From Grotle
Chimchar 1 3 Monferno
Levelling up at level 14+
Levelling up at level 36+
From Monferno
Piplup 1 3 Prinplup
Levelling up at level 16+
Levelling up at level 36+
From Prinplup
Staravia 1 2 Staraptor
Levelling up at level 34+
Luxio 1 2 Luxray
Levelling up at level 30+
Cranidos 1 2 Rampardos
Levelling up at level 30+
Shieldon 1 2 Bastiodon
Levelling up at level 30+
Burmy 2 3 Wormadam
Levelling up at level 20+
Of female gender
Levelling up at level 20+
Of male gender
Combee 1 2 Vespiquen
Levelling up at level 21+
Of female gender
Cherubi 1 2 Cherrim
Levelling up at level 25+
Drifloon 1 2 Drifblim
Levelling up at level 28+
Gabite 1 2 Garchomp
Levelling up at level 48+